20 May 2014

#JollaLoveDay Anniversary - your thoughts & opinions

Today is the first anniversary of JollaLoveDay! On May 20th 2013, Jolla invited the press to unveil the first Sailfish smartphone with the exclusive idea of The Other Half covers. For the first time we got to see an early version of the device and Marc Dillon invited us all to participate in the Jolla movement and thus to “join the tribe”. We all were invited to be part of Jolla – whether it was by pre-ordering device, to write and discuss about it or develop for Sailfish OS. DIY => DIT: Do it Together instead of Do it Yourself.

...Thanks to JollaUsers.com to give this article some space on their blog. Read the full story here: 

Developers and users - now on May 20th 2014, what are your thoughts? 

  • What are your motivations to develop for Sailfish OS?
  • Jolla often mentions they they want to keep it as easy as possible to develop for Sailfish OS. In your opinion: Is that true? And why?
  • What are your wishes to Jolla (SDK, features, support, Store, etc…)?
  • What are your motivations to use Jolla and Sailfish OS?
  • What makes Sailfish OS in your opinion different to other mobile systems? 
  • What did you expect to be different? (positive and negative points are welcome)
  • What are your biggest wishes to Jolla considering hardware, software, future, etc? 

It would be wonderful to hear some of your thoughts.