18 July 2014

Hardware Adaptation Dev Kit 1.0 for Sailfish OS

Sailfish OS Hardware Adaptation Development Kit Documentation release 1.0.1-EA1. This documentation helps you set up a Mer-core based Linux system that will run on an Android device, on top of the existing Android Hardware Adaptation kernel and drivers.

This way it is possible to port Sailfish OS to devices running the Android based Cyanogen-Mod. The guide consists of:
  1. Mer core: The Linux userspace core
  2. Android Hardware Adaptation (HA/HAL), consisting of:
  • Device-specific Android Kernel
  • Binary device drivers taken from an Android ROM (e.g. CyanogenMod)
  • The libhybris interface built against the binary drivers
  • Middleware packages depending on hardware-specific plugins
  • A Qt/Wayland QPA plugin utilizing the Android hwcomposer
  • Sailfish OS components

The documentation includes links to all necessary prerequisites (page 5). You can get the hole documentation here: SailfishOSHardwareAdaptationDevelopmentKit.pdf

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