4 February 2014

Jolla cyan and black TOH available in store! 

Good news for Jolla users today:

Jolla allows you to order new and different Other Halfs from their online store. Available are a black ("Keira") and cyan ("Aloe") version for around Euro 29.00 each.

Those TOHs come with own ambience, wallpaper and sounds.

More information about the new TOH can be found here: http://jolla.com/the-other-half. There you also get to listen to a preview of the unique ring-tones as well as more picture of The Other Halfs.

Check the store with your login to figure out shipping costs, which shouldn't be to high. Available vouchers are not valid on TOH orders, but you can save some coins if you order a new Jolla with one of the additional halfs. Estimated delivery time is 2-3 weeks.

So...who's the first to get a new TOH? Which one will you be getting?