JollaUsers takes a closer look at the alternative SailfishOS camera application called "Cameraplus". Some of you might know this application and its neat features from Nokia N9 - glad to see it has been ported to our Jolla devices.
From JollaUsers - Jolla’s camera isn’t bad at all. Software wise it is rich enough to feed you through your daily photography and Instagram shots. It has a self timer, ISO settings, White balance, different focus modes and so on. It even has a grid mode for your ambiance so from the look of it, it’s quite rich in terms of software features.
Now, we’re not talking about the hardware at all here so let’s get to the chase and see why we’re here.
If you ever felt that Jolla’s camera viewfinder is lacking stuff to completely feed your taste of photography, there is a new application called Camera Plus made by Mohammed Sameer, senior engineer at Jolla, and it rocks even at early stage.
It may not have the most beautiful icon in the world (yet) or not the most sophisticated user interface for the viewfinder (yet) while comparing it to the actual Sailfish design language, it works perfectly fine. In fact the app just got updated recently which means there is support behind it.
The UI only works in Landscape (Both ways) and it works with swipes to view the last image or your settings!
Simply swipe it to the left or right to access settings and your photos [...]
Enjoy the full article incl. photo comparison here on