Jolla released new installers and package repositories for the Sailfish OS SDK version Alpha-1406-Qt5. SDK content has been updated to match Jolla Release and can be downloaded in Qt Creator (or if not installed yet)
SDK Version Alpha-1406-Qt5 comes with following improvements:
SDK IDE (Qt Creator)
- Syntax highlighting definitions added for spec, yaml, desktop and changes files.
- In Windows, configuration directory is created under the SDK install path (e.g. C:\SailfishOS\settings\SailfishAlpha4)
- Project path can have whitespace
- Fixed VirtualBox 4.3.12 support in Windows
- In Windows, SDK install path can no longer have whitespace.
- Installer will request Qt Creator to be closed in case it is running and if a component requires that Qt Creator is restarted.
- SDK version can be checked from the file sdk-release in the install dir (e.g. ~/SailfishOS/sdk-release)
SDK Build engine:
- Faster rsync deploy method (skips RPM package check step).
- Deploy the correct RPM package in case package version has been changed.
- i486 target finally creates i486 packages instead of i586 packages.
- Handle Windows CRLF type linefeeds in RPM spec files.
- Build targets refreshed to Jolla release level.
- Better translation support in libsailfishapp.
- Deployed packages are installed using sdk-deploy-rpm instead of pkcon.
SDK Control Center:
- Package search in target view is now case-insensitive.
- Emulator packages refreshed to Jolla release level.
- Closing the Emulator window offers now only the power off option.
Official Release Note: