Android support on Sailfish OS has some great benefits and certainly helps the platform to gain popularity. But more and more native Sailfish application appear on Jolla Store or on OpenRepos (Warehouse) which make the device independant from non-native apps. Despite that, here are some Android apps you might want to use on your Jolla.
Sound Volume Booster:
You probably realized that the sound volume when using Android apps is extremely low compared to Sailfish system sounds. There are several solutions on Yandex store and others which can boost the volume with one click. Simply search for "Volume boost" in your favourite Android store. Jolla is probably working on a volume improvement - so make sure you turn off any volume boosts before you install an update which fixes that issue.
There are great file browsing possibilities available on Sailfish like "File Browser" or "Cargo Dock". However those applications aren't optimized to browse your Android files or don't allow you to delete certain files and folders. A solution is to download an Android file browser - this way you can also delete folders and/or savefiles you don't need anymore (often deleted Android apps leave a lot of unused stuff on your Jolla). Some file browsers also allow you to share folders over WiFi - a very handy tool. In Yandex Store you find "File Explorer" by Mavrik Mobile Ltd.
The Sailfish email client still has some flaws and doesn't support all kind of email servers yet.
A solution is to install an alternative client where you can set up concerned email adress(es). In Yandex Store you can find "AquaMail" by Kostya Vasilyev which does a great job. This client sets up your email account automatically and works very reliable. Of course it is to hope that any time soon Sailfish supports a better native email client. Till then, AquaMail offers a good alternative.
If you were a Nokia N9 user you probably miss all those great Podcast applications we had. gPodder was one of them (and it seems it's being ported to Sailfish). Somehow it is quiet difficult to find good alternatives on other systems (like Android or Windows Phone). The best working Android alternative I found is "Podkicker". It works very convenient on Sailfish and streams/downloads video or audio files without any issues. Furthermore Podkicker keeps running in multitasking view which is very nice (good to show of Jolla's multitasking possibilities...). Podkicker can be found on Google Play (click here). Don't worry if you don't have Google Play installed on your Jolla - download the application via "APK Downloader" which you find here - that can be done right on your Jolla.
On Jolla store you can find for example "File Browser" which let you install manually downloaded APK files.
What are your must-have Android applications on your Jolla device?